초고압직류송전 초고압직류송전 영어로
- High-voltage direct current
- 고압 송전 선망: grid
- 고압 송전 시스템: grid
- 직류: 직류 [直流] 『電』 direct current(略 D.C.); continuous current; series flow. ~의 direct-current.▷ 직류 발전기 a D.C. generator[dynamo].▷ 직류 변류기 a D.C. converter.▷ 직류 회로 a direct current circuit.
- 고압: 고압 [高壓]1 『電』 high tension; high voltage; (증기의) high pressure.2 [억압] high-handedness; coercion; browbeating; pressure; oppression. ~적인 highhanded / coercive / [거만한] overbearing. ~적으로 with the strong
- 송전: 송전 [送電] transmission of electricity; power[electric] transmission; electric (power) supply. ~을 끊다 cut[shut] off the power supply . ~하다 transmit electricity ; supply (electric) power . 발전소의 사고로 6시까지
- 송전 송전: Electric power transmission
- 초고: 초고 [草稿] a (rough) draft; a rough copy; notes; a manuscript(略 MS., pl. MSS.). 강의의 ~ notes for a lecture. 연설의 ~ a draft of a speech. ~를 보면서 연설하다 speak from notes[a prepared text]. ~없이 강연하다 lecture wit
- 직류 전기: galvanism
- 직류의: direct
- 고압 주의: high voltage
- 고압의: high handed
- 서류송청: 서류 송청 [書類送廳] ~하다 send the papers pertaining to a (criminal) case to the Public Prosecutors Office.
- 발송전: 발송전 [發送電] generation and transmission of electricity.
- 송전망: Electric power transmission systems
- 송전선: Overhead power line